Course detail:
Taught by professional art instructors on the theme of Oceans. Tutor will guide students to use different media to create artworks and train their ability in colour usage, which can increase student to participation to enhance their creativity.
✓ Course Date 課程日期:10, 17, 24, 31 August 2020
✓ Time 課程時間:約40分鐘一節課程透過Zoom網上學習*
✓ Package fee 材料包費用:$380 per set (4 plays) 一套四款
✓ Apply Form 報名表格:
✓ Application Deadline 截止報名日期:2020年8月3日
✓ Application Enquiry 報名詳情:(852) 5512 0992 (Whatsapp)
Timetable 時間表:
10/8 "Crab comes to play" 玩耍中的螃蟹
17/8 "Whale are massive" 龐大的鯨魚
24/8 "It's Pufferfishes!" 圓圓的泡泡魚
27/8 "Ocean Playground" 海洋遊樂園
☀️ 現凡報名並成為M27會員,全年恆常課程及部份產品均享有9折優惠!(於2020年8月31日或之前均可免費加入成為M27)
☀️ 本課程二人同行額外減20元
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☀️ Signup for M27 membership to enjoy a 10% off discount on regular courses and selected products throughout the year at Maxi27! (You can join M27 membership for FREE on or before August 31, 2020)
☀️ An additional HK$20 off for two peers joining for this course